To all Cycling Clubs in Waterford, Wexford, South Tipp & South Kilkenny.
My name is Sinead Power, I am secretary of Comeraghcc in Waterford. On behalf of the “Hand on Heart” cycle which takes place on Sunday 23rd Sept, I have been asked to Liase with all clubs with regards to attendance. see below a letter from Sean Kelly which outlines what we are trying to do. We are asking all cycling clubs to come together at 11.30 on Sunday Sept 23rd in the WIT carpark in Carriganore to support this worthy cause. It may mean starting your normal Sunday morning spins at 9am instead of 9.30 and meeting in the WIT car park to cycle with Sean out to UHW for a photo opportunity to show our support. It will only take approx 30-40 mins of your time. See below a letter from Sean.
The guards are looking for approximate numbers for health and safety reasons, so can I ask you to discuss within your own group chats and for your club secretary to come back to me with approximate numbers by Wed lunchtime. Can you drop me a text on 087-2680088 or email me
Thank you in advance,
Yours in Sport,
Sinead Power(Secretary Comeraghcc)
From Sean Kelly;
Dear friend in Sport, I am writing to invite you to support the ‘Hand On Heart’ Cycle in Waterford city on Sunday September 23rd 2018. The cycle is to show support for the South East region’s cardiac care service and to call for additional funding to deliver a 2nd Interventional Cath lab to expand its service! As a professional sportsperson, I have always taken for granted my strong heart and I have never considered what I might do or where I might need to ‘get to’ in the event of a sudden cardiac event! Probably like you, I didn’t know until updated recently, • that the South East regional cardiac centre based in University Hospital Waterford is restricted to having just a single cardiac operations theatre (Cath Lab) working Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. • that our South East population suffers incredible waiting times to gain access to the South East Cath Lab! • That the Dublin metropoliton area has 1 lab per 65,000 people with 24/7 cover whilst the South East has only 1 lab for 500,000 people, and it is only open 39 hours per week We cannot accept this totally unfair situation for the health of people in the South East. People with full lives yet to live have died because of this service restriction! I am asking you to join me to support our families, our friends, our neighbours who all live, work, play and when needed require healthcare in the south east region. I invite you to cycle with me on Sunday September 23rd for our ‘Hand On Heart’ Cycle in support of South East Cardiac Care! The cycle will begin at the Carraignore Sports Campus Greenway car park at 11.30am and make its way through Waterford city eventually finishing with a public reception at the Mall at 12.30pm. Although a short distance, this cycle offers everyone a chance to come out in support and show that we must have, and deserve the same standard of cardiac care service as the rest of the country! I hope you will join with me and other South East sporting heroes as we cycle in Waterford and I hope to meet you all on the Mall, Waterford at route end. Whether you join by bicycle or attend on foot I hope that we will send a strong and loud message – We must have Health Equality in the South East! I look forward to meeting you all there, Regards Sean Kelly